Does Your Child Want to Be a Star?

It’s hard to think of anything that gives me more satisfaction than watching the growing confidence of little Kinder Stars learning dance at the studio.
When a child dances they learn about how their body moves, they learn co-ordination and control and spatial awareness. As they build confidence – they transform before your eyes. Dance makes them happy. There is so much joy in those faces!
Enrolling your child at Industry Dance in Ready Set Dance or Fairy Ballet, or Kinder Star jazz, ballet, tap and acro classes, will help prepare your little one mentally and emotionally for school.
Through age appropriate dance lessons, young children learn how to follow instruction, how to work as a team, play with other children and become more confident about expressing their needs in a social situation.

Our kids can’t always communicate how they are feeling with words so it’s wonderful for them to have another means to express themselves. Dancing fosters emotional expression, creating an important outlet. Dance for preschoolers (two to five years) and kinder aged kids (five to six years) also improves their fitness, help cognitive development and strength. Industry Dance provides a safe, inclusive space for children to explore, be comfortable in a different environment, while they grow confidence to build trust, acquiring self-discipline and a first taste of real accomplishment as they learn a dance routine.
Youngsters spend lots of time in front of smart phones or iPads and this behavior is interfering with their social development – affecting their ability to empathise, to read social cues. For pre-schoolers, movement play in a creative dance setting provides an essential educational experience. Through movement, songs, games and rhymes, children not only build little muscles, they are challenging themselves emotionally, socially and cognitively without even knowing it!
In a nutshell, here’s what enrolling your preschooler in Ready Set Go and Fairy Ballet or your kinder aged child in our fantastic Kinder Star dance, jazz, ballet or acro classes will provide for your child:
– An increased body awareness and strength, advancing motor skills and co-ordination – An improvement in flexibility – Emotional growth and development – Heightened self-esteem and independence – Improved language and listening skills – An improved ability to absorb information – dance helps you remember - helping grasp concepts in maths, reading, spelling and science – An understanding in taking turns, how to make friends, team work, listening, sharing and learning how to communicate with fellow students – Creativity and imagination

Ready Set Dance classes are held Thursday and Friday mornings from 9.15-10.15am with Fairy Ballet following from 10.20-10.55am. Saturday mornings we have a preschool class of jazz/tap from 9.00-9.30am, followed by Fairy Ballet from 9.30-10.00am.
Kinder Stars are held on Mondays and include 30 minute jazz, tap and ballet classes. Saturday morning Kinder Stars acrobatics are held from 9.15-10.00, followed by ballet from10.00-10.45am
Dance helps both shy and the extroverted children not only develop a better understanding of themselves but a glimpse of what the world offers. When children learn a dance routine through practice they are so proud of themselves! They learn to dream, to believe in themselves; the repetition of rehearsal improving their minds and their belief in who they are and what they can do!
Dream. Believe. Succeed.
Miss Casey.