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Welcome to 2024! Celebrating 14 years of ID







We are open and a credited COVID SAFE NSW business.


We are heading into 2024 with our NEW full timetable ready to dance!


We have a comprehensive covid safety policy in place - your safety is our number 1 priority.



We are so excited to have you join us on our continuing journey into 2024...
Industry Dance opened its doors in 2010, and a fresh new vision emerged for the kids and families of Tweed/GC.

Our studio continues to go from strength to strength, we are in awe of our ID kids as they strive
to be great people, dancers and performers. We are more than dance... A place that is a home
away from home where you can make new friendships that will last a lifetime, a place where
you can be creative and free and have fun, be a kid and learn all the amazing opportunities
that dance and performance can give you.

We’re a school that nurtures young kids to dream, believe succeed - in all areas of life. We are so
incredibly proud to see this vision come into a reality and getting stronger by the day.
We support your child's dreams. We have a dedicated, experienced and professional team
that will future and guide your child in their dance journey.

Our studio values set the bar for our year ahead;

We believe kids should be passionate - come with your dream to be a dancer & performer, or come with the dream of fun & friendships. We can make the dream come true. We have everything you need under one roof.

We have had ID students go onto perform in major national musical theatre shows, perform in
movies, compete in competitions and perform locally in our community at The Cove, Tweed City and The
Lord Mayors Christmas Carols Channel 9.
We are so excited to open ID Company for a 3D Dancer. Take your dance to the next level and become a part of our performance team family!

We continue our FUN Dance - come and meet your new friends.
Dance to keep active, fit and have fun - perform in our concerts!
Term 1 starts MONDAY 5th of Feb 2024.

You can join ID as a member any time by emailing us or phone 0404 064 681

Come and experience ID - why not tell your friends about us! 2024 membership is NOW OPEN

See you soon,


Miss Caitlin and the ID Dream Team



For class pricing and time table please email us


Want to join us but have questions? email us 


Ready to become an ID member?




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